Monday, 6 January 2014

Well... It's been a while!


Sorry it's been so long. I got totally stuck on the high side driver, and after months of searching and trying things with mosfets and stuff I lost interest and banished it to a cupboard. 

Recently I was pointed to a website called which has a schematic for a high side driver. 

I've ordered the parts and spent this evening  bread boarding them and confirmed that it will work for what I want! Really pleased. Big thanks to rugged circuits. 

I am currently designing the PCB in eagle, and this should be finished soon. Then it's off to veroboard for prototyping. I had to make some changes to the sensing side of the circuit, using optoisolators. This is yet to be tested, but I'm confident about it. 

So all in all, I hope to have it prototyped in a couple of weeks, a bit of testing, and then a PCB made. Can't wait. 

Watch this space :) 


  1. Awesome!! glad you didn't give up. I'm still learning the Arduino too but if i can help in anyway let me know!

  2. Thanks Dingo. Its pretty much just down to some final bits and some testing now, but if i get stuck ill be sure to post :)

  3. How's it coming? I've been playing around with the idea of swapping in a different shifter that has the tiptronic controls built in. So I'm getting anxious lol

  4. I would love to buy one when it is available

  5. How's it coming? You had a chance to get anywhere on it yet?
